How many of you wake up each morning and don’t feel completely happy or content? You don’t have the inner happiness, motivation or spring in your step.
The key to a balanced and happy life is to “eat well, move well and think well”. Each of the three aspects is equally important and contributes towards your overall wellbeing.
Do you fill your body with daily toxins, fatty foods, comfort foods, addictions? If you are honest, how much better do these make you feel? Many of the foods we eat make us more lethargic, make our bodies look and feel fat and bloated, and make our skin look greasy.
If you feel you are not eating well, ask yourself why? Why are you not respecting your body? Do you not want to feel good? Those cups of coffee, that piece of cake, that glass of wine – how good will you really feel after you’ve eaten it. Respect your body, it’s a sign of self respect – if you respect your body, it will take you a long way.
There are some simple steps to help with nutrition. Keep a food diary for a week and notice your eating habits. Then decide what you are going to cut out, one thing to start with perhaps. Then at the end of the week, you can treat yourself.
How much exercise do you do? Is your back stiff? Is there some other stiffness in any part of your body? Take a moment and feel each part of your body. Does it feel good or is there a sign somewhere that an area needs some attention?
Just 15 minutes of exercise a day can make such a huge difference to your body. Surely we can all find just 15 minutes to do something nice for our body. I’m talking about a brisk walk, a few breathing exercises, a few stretches, a few back and neck movements. How lovely would it be to uplift our moods by just investing in a few minutes of walking each day?
This I would say is the most important!! If you are eating well, and you’re moving well, then you will begin to naturally think well. All three are interdependent, so the other side of the coin is that if you’re thinking well, you will naturally also want to eat well and move well.
How tense are your thoughts making you? How stressed are you? I know, I can just hear all the excuses … my job is very busy/stressful, (some people might not even have a job), I have a lot going on, my partner/family are stressing me out, I haven’t got any time, I’m overworked, I don’t have enough money… the list is endless. Whatever your situation is, we can all strive to lower our stress levels.
The more you become aware of all three habits, the more you can change the things that don’t feel right in your life. Give any change 21 days to notice its full effect.
Imagine a life where you feel good most of the time, there is a spring in your step, you have high levels of energy, high levels of confidence so that you are standing tall and straight, and there is a twinkle in your eyes. As a final thought, how about also ensuring once a week you put aside time to feed your soul? Do the things that make you happy. Read a good book, watch a good movie, take a singing class, go dancing, go out with a friend – do whatever it is that makes your heart sing with joy.
Life is to enjoy!!