
Develop a growth mindset to achieve your goals

Introduction In the journey of life, setting and pursuing goals is an integral part of personal growth and fulfillment. However, the path to achieving these goals is often riddled with challenges and uncertainties, leading to anxiety and self-doubt. One potent antidote to these negative emotions is the cultivation of a growth mindset. In this comprehensive …

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Are your Limiting Beliefs Holding you Back?

Introduction We all harbor dreams and aspirations, whether they pertain to our health, careers, relationships, or personal growth. Yet, often, these dreams remain unfulfilled due to the insidious influence of limiting beliefs. These beliefs, while born from a genuine desire to protect ourselves, can hinder our progress and prevent us from realizing our full potential. …

Are your Limiting Beliefs Holding you Back? Read More »

Empowerment: Fostering Collective Brilliance

Introduction: Empowerment, a concept often discussed and sought after, holds within its realm a tapestry of emotions and perceptions. It beckons individuals to rise above limitations and realize their full potential, yet it can also be accompanied by apprehensions, especially the fear of losing one’s own power and influence. In this exploration of empowerment, we …

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Instead of Saying “I Don’t Have Time” – Say “I Choose to prioritise”

Introduction Time is a finite resource, and it often feels like we’re constantly racing against the clock, struggling to keep up with life’s demands. As a result, we tend to use the phrase “I don’t have time” as a default response to various requests or activities that we want to avoid. However, this seemingly harmless …

Instead of Saying “I Don’t Have Time” – Say “I Choose to prioritise” Read More »

Harnessing the Power of Universal Energy for Transformation

The energy this week is truly remarkable, filled with immense power and potential. We recently experienced a full moon on 03 July, and now, as Friday 07.07.2023 approaches, we are promised an even greater download of energy. Adding to the mix, we have just passed the summer solstice. This week holds a significant event: an …

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Why successful leaders and entrepreneurs go with their gut. 5 Tips for you to follow yours.

Some of the most powerful names in business, from Richard Branson to Oprah Winfrey to Warren Buffet, credit their success with following their gut. Marc Randolph, co-founder of Netflix says ‘Much of decision-making is grounded in historical data, but there’s something just as important to consider when making decisions: your instincts.’ What exactly is gut instinct? It’s your …

Why successful leaders and entrepreneurs go with their gut. 5 Tips for you to follow yours. Read More »